Starting July 8th, the City of Weaver will be undergoing a massive summer paving project with 27 streets getting refilled and resurfaced to improve the quality of driving within our community.
Streets affected by this will be:
Crestview Dr. from Meharg St. to Main St.
McCullars Dr. from Meharg St. to Main St.
Caroline Dr. from Meharg St. to Main St.
Sanders Hill Dr. from Parker Blvd. to Lett St.
Lett St. from Dogwood Ave. to Blarney Dr.
Clackum St from Parker Blvd. to Sanders Hill Dr.
Shamrock Ave. from Parker Blvd. Blarney Dr.
Main St. from Astor Ave. to the end
Hilltop Rd. from Russell Dr. to the end
Astor Ave. from Alexandria Rd to Hilltop Rd.
Ledford St from Alexandria Rd to the pavement change
Hill St. from Ledford St. to the end
Forrest Dr. from Anniston St to Water Tower Rd.
Peak Dr. from Jacksonville St. to the end
Sycamore Lane from Jacksonville St. to the end
Sky High Dr. from Jacksonville St. to the end
Johnson St. from Astor St. to the Chief Ladiga Trail
Part of Dogwood Lane
Part of Water Tower Rd
All of Park Lane
All of George St.
All of Cobb Ave.
All of Jones Circle
All of Baker Dr.
All of Peaceburg Lane
All of North Ave.
and all of Brackenrich Rd.
We hope to make this a smooth transition and that things progress quickly as we improve the roads and infrastructure of our wonderful community around us.